Key Team Members

Meet the talented individuals behind the Integrated Building Solutions brand. Dedicated to the success and satisfaction of clients nationwide, our team works together to develop new, innovative solutions for every facility’s most pressing facility problems.

Paul Kelly

“Knowledge is like underwear. It is useful to have it, but not necessary to show it off.”

Paul is a driven owner that has been responsible for hundreds of millions of square feet of electrical and fire design and construction work while building IBS and developing it into a place that attracts top talent.

Nate Krell

Operations Director
Level 1 Thermographer
“Intellectuals solve problems; Project Managers prevent them.”

Nate has an uncanny ability to troubleshoot and repair almost anything. That ability comes from the many years of running electrical and solar work across the country. He drives quality in all of the things he touches.

Bryce Armbruster

Sales & Marketing Director
“Be the Best You Can Be.”

Bryce joined IBS after deciding his years in finance and solar weren’t as challenging as his four children.  When not coaching youth soccer, Bryce enjoys developing customer relationships and building sales and marketing strategies.  Bryce on choosing a favorite; “I’m not trying to determine which kid is my favorite, I’m trying to determine which hobby is my favorite.”

Missy Miller

Office Director
“It'll be fine.”

Missy comes to IBS after many years of working in other industries. She owned a company and held leadership roles in others, bringing all of those skills and experiences to her role as the office director for IBS. Her strong relationship skills combined with those business experiences help her keep the rest of the IBS team on track.

Matt Vernon

Project Manager
Level 1 Thermographer
“I am not telling you it’s going to be easy, but I am telling you it’s going to be worth it.”

Matt has developed a wealth of technical knowledge in his career, from electrical components to arc flash and electrical safety. He brings all of that experience to the team while he leads the Arc Flash team to provide the best possible solutions for our customers.

Ty McGinty

Level 1 Thermographer
“It's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.”

Ty is a US Army Veteran that served our country as a combat engineer. His Army experience carried over well into civilian life, where he spent the last 30+ years working as an electrician or in the electrical field servicing customers all over the US. When Ty is not hunting down electrical issues for our customers, he is hunting down forgotten treasures along his travels.

Sam Gerwin

Level 1 Thermographer
“Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.”

Sam the self-proclaimed loudest introvert you will ever meet. He is an Eagle Scout and by default also loves the outdoors. When he is not scanning electrical panels with IR cameras or troubleshooting your electrical systems, you can find him camping, fishing, or shooting (but he seems to be better with electrical systems than fish).

Scott Garman

Level 1 Thermographer
“If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?“

Scott is a Master Electrician with a slightly different background. He once completed a degree in youth ministry, which comes in useful more than you might imagine in this industry. His degree, experience playing and coaching sports, and extensive electrical training give Scott the tools he needs to do keep customers’ projects moving forward.

Joel Chartrand

Project Coordinator
“Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.”

Joel has a background in Electrical Engineering.  In his spare time, he enjoys fiddling with BAS systems and computer networks.  Joel’s fun fact of the day: Sugar is the only word in the English language where “su” makes a “sh” sound.  At least, he’s pretty sure that’s correct!

LeeAnn Bier-Langstrom

Project Coordinator
Level 1 Thermographer
“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.”

LeeAnn has experience working with fire alarm and prevention systems.  In her spare time, LeeAnn enjoys hiking, game night with friends, and spending time with her nieces.  If your trivia answer involves movie quotes or facts about horror movies, LeeAnn is your go to person.

Jake Haught

“If you're not first, you're last.”

Jake is a journeyman electrician by trade and has spent years perfecting his craft.  He enjoys spending time with his son playing basketball or going on hikes in our national forests.  Jakes dream would be to have a cage match with John Cena.

Luke Shields

Project Manager
“It can’t be done? Well not with THAT attitude!”

Luke’s background is in fire alarms, suppression, and sprinklers.  He is a father to three active kids and has to balance his love for his kids with his love for the Backstreet Boys.  When everything is in balance, he is The Perfect Fan.

Ed Dauphin

Level 1 Thermographer
“Well done is better than well said.” – Benjamin Franklin

Ed is a Master Electrician who specializes in Arc Flash and electrical hazard identification and prevention.  His professional goal is to make the workplace safer by cultivating safety awareness and understanding.  In his free time, Ed enjoys all things outdoors and teaching himself to play the guitar.

Terry Lygre

Project Manager
“If nobody comes back from the future to stop you, it can’t be that bad of a decision.”

Terry is a Master Electrician who enjoys sharing his knowledge of electrical code, so things get done right the first time.  When not working, Terry is frequently found mountain biking; he has the scrapes and bruises to prove it!